On Monday as I am leaving work at 710 I get a message from Michelle Dunchee on my cell. I remember thinking that is weird its family home evening night. I wonder why she is calling me. As I am walking over to the phone at the hospital, it popped in my head I "what is wrong with dad" and "did he get shot". I have no clue why that popped in my head. Maybe it was the spirit reminding it could be worse. But any way I get Michelle on the phone and her first words "Don't panic, they are taking your dad to the hospital" I said what is wrong. what hospital" They said the heart center. The ambulence changed his mind and said he is middle of a massive heart attack so they are going to Methodist. So now its 710 and I do not have a car, its at Target with Kevin and now I am standing in the hall way. I am talking with Angie Booker and Sharon Kilgore. I am waiting for Emily from church to give report. Angie said lets go. She takes me to my car. Now I get to Methodist at 810. He is headed upstairs to the cath lab. Now I am really scared. They usually dont do that after hours. For the first time in my life saw a side of my mom I had never seen.
She was speechless. She did not even know what to ask the doctors. I think she was so scared that she was losing dad. Its the first time that she actually let me help in whole good way. She asked me to make phone calls. The waiting room was full of people. Eric and Camille Scott, Kevin Matis, Nathan and Jessica Brooks, Michelle Dunchee, Wendy Arnold, and about 2 minutes after I arrived Pres. Sinclair walked in. Nathan could not even talk about it. I can not even tell you the feeling in the room, it was group of people who truly loved this man. We know we love him but to look around this room where so many people love him and care about him was a experience I am eternally grateful I had. Then not one person left even after they took him to Cath lab. I had to call Uncle Leslie all he said was ok, and then the next day we saw him walk in. Then Uncle Richard after telling him he took a deep breathe and told me to keep him informed but you could hear the tear in his voice. It made me start to cry.
Then the two worse phone calls I had to make: Jason he loves his pa. Then I had to convince him not to go rent a car and drive here. I made a promise at any point if I thought he needed to come home I would tell him that. He cried and cried. Then made me promise that he would not die. I caught the the sob in my voice. But knew I could not cry on the phone or I would not be able to convince him.
Then Tina: she has so much on her plate. She sobbed and sobbed. She asked me three times if would be ok. At that time I did not know. It was hard to said yes. I will never forget her deep uncontrollable sob. It felt like to me that she was literally crying out to Heavenly Father.Knowing Tina and her trust in Heavenly Father she was. But I could not be weak for her.As long as I live I will never forget her sobs.
Now mom, I saw this peace come over mom as dad was taken to the Cath Lab. This undying love for this person that they had spend 47 years together. I can not imagine our lives with out Dad. I can not imagine my mom's soul without dad. Then I kept facebook updated and the prayers and concerns that was wrote each day for day is amazing and at some points overwhelming. The people whose lives are touched because of him and mom.
Dad is what holds our family together. He is strong when we are weak. He has the faith when we have lost our way. He has taught us to have to faith and anything is possible.
Mom and Dad has taught me what being a trooper is all about. Being strong when the winds of the world hits us and we have a choice here when that happens. They have always stood strong and fought the power of the wind. They have never been knocked down by the world. I love my parents.
One of my favorite things at my work is the cute old couples who worry and fuss over eachother. Where one wont leave the other and they have been married for a long time. I realized watching them that they would be one of those couples I would love.

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