Monday, July 30, 2012
there is hope
So I have set a goal to become a healthy grandma. I never want to be one that wishes she felt like walking on the stairs or down a hill. Some of my favorite memories as a child is no matter how many times we wanted to see the pigs and cows Grandpa Scott would walk us down the hill to the barn to see the animals. I want my grand kids to have the same memories. I have started to walk last week. I walked on Thurs, Fri, and I have set a goal of walking 3 times a week and watch what I am eating. We all know the diets and how and how they work. But this morning I was walking and thinking about the water issues in Indiana. So if you look at our grass it is brown and pretty much everything is drying out. But as I walked I noticed little bits of green. The green is fighting to stay alive and it is against all odds. I wonder if that is how my spirit feels at times. We know if we can hold on that we can stay"green" when the odds are against us. I see all the brown and dried out things in this world right now with the attack on our families and how we are trying to remove God from the world and I hope I continue to be one of the strands that fights to stay close to the spirit against all odds. I know that God lives and their is "green" in our lives even when there is so much brown around us.......
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
once again my sister wrote a beautiful post. I believe in miracles. In the webster dictionary
I have been witness to many miracles in my life. Have you witness miracles? I believe that if we take the time each one of us is able to say this. I know that I sometimes I have to remind myself that miracles did not only take place during Jesus's time but it takes place daily in each of our lives if we are allowing ourselves to see and understand that. One of my biggest faults is in my thinking that everyone else deserves miracles, grace, and mercy except me. This has always been a battle for me personally. I know in the past when I have had good things i find a way to not make it good. I know with a better understanding of the Atonement and how it is applied to my life I have come to understand that I am worthy of these things also.
Miracles in my life: Cindy and Tina (sisters), each of my sons ( three of the greatest things that has ever happened to me)
another miracle in my life is that I am still here.. I have now been clean since 1998 and not a day goes by that I do not thank my Heavenly Father for that. I do not deserve to be here, I lived a dangerous life and I know this. I lived a life that I should be dead or be killed. I tried to forget Heavenly Father and my family. But I believe Heavenly Father absolutely refused to give on me. Even after I got clean I led a life where I no longer did drugs but I was not clean. It took my purse getting stolen in a bank (miracle) for me to decide that I am better person by being active in church. I need that daily reminder of Heavenly Father and what he is does for me each day. I love that he thought I deserved to be given 7x70 chances of forgiveness. I know he knows me so personally and by name that he realizes that I need daily miracles in my life.
I have attached the story that my sister had on her blog. I sat here on a Tuesday morning and read this and cried. I cried for the families who lost someone. All because they went to see the movie. I cried for this family and the mother. I cried for the doctors who witness a miracle. I cried for all the untold stories that will never be told. I cried because I read a miracle and was able to see it.
Please take a few minutes to read this post by Brad Strait: A Miracle Inside the Aurora Shooting
Even though I have already said my morning prayer I think I will go thank my Heavenly Father for the miracles in my life and others. I feel very grateful this morning how about you?
Love Joyce
Noun: |
Miracles in my life: Cindy and Tina (sisters), each of my sons ( three of the greatest things that has ever happened to me)
another miracle in my life is that I am still here.. I have now been clean since 1998 and not a day goes by that I do not thank my Heavenly Father for that. I do not deserve to be here, I lived a dangerous life and I know this. I lived a life that I should be dead or be killed. I tried to forget Heavenly Father and my family. But I believe Heavenly Father absolutely refused to give on me. Even after I got clean I led a life where I no longer did drugs but I was not clean. It took my purse getting stolen in a bank (miracle) for me to decide that I am better person by being active in church. I need that daily reminder of Heavenly Father and what he is does for me each day. I love that he thought I deserved to be given 7x70 chances of forgiveness. I know he knows me so personally and by name that he realizes that I need daily miracles in my life.
I have attached the story that my sister had on her blog. I sat here on a Tuesday morning and read this and cried. I cried for the families who lost someone. All because they went to see the movie. I cried for this family and the mother. I cried for the doctors who witness a miracle. I cried for all the untold stories that will never be told. I cried because I read a miracle and was able to see it.
Please take a few minutes to read this post by Brad Strait: A Miracle Inside the Aurora Shooting
Even though I have already said my morning prayer I think I will go thank my Heavenly Father for the miracles in my life and others. I feel very grateful this morning how about you?
Love Joyce
Friday, July 20, 2012
On Thurday I went to the doctor with Kevin (son) and Gage. He weigh 21.4 pounds and 29 1/4 inches long. He is in the 95%tile for his weight and height. Gage is amazing and he is fun. I love this little boy. Kevin (husband) is wonderful with him...
He loved Pizza with Pa
Great Pa (Burney Scott which
is my dad!!)
He enjoyed hs sippy cup and he really enjoyed it for his first time.....
Gage is scooting and he is trying to jabber. He sleeps with no blankets but loves his daddy's tshirt..

Great Pa (Burney Scott which
is my dad!!)
He enjoyed hs sippy cup and he really enjoyed it for his first time.....
Gage is scooting and he is trying to jabber. He sleeps with no blankets but loves his daddy's tshirt..
Sunday, July 15, 2012
be kind
I just read the cutest blog that gave me a sweet reminder:
About a year ago, I sent my husband a list of things that I thought
that he might like to see me do around the house. I asked him to put
the list according to priority, from greatest to least.
Here is the exact list that I sent to him:
-clean, ironed laundry
-yummy meals including lunches
-fresh, homemade bread for your sandwiches
-keeping up with emails
-thank you notes
- outreach in the community
-hospitality/ having people over
- making sure there are cookies or something yummy for you when you get home (including tea)
-a clean, picked up house
And, this was his exact response:
“Thanks, but I would rather have you put aside
anything/everything you have to do in order to start each day with the
assumption that I LOVE YOU, and therefore anything I do or say is given
the benefit of the doubt that I LOVE YOU.
Get enough rest and say no to enough activities so that you have the energy to be NICE TO ME (and the kids) when I’m home.
Honestly, I appreciate the rest of it, but don’t really
care that much if it comes at the expense of the first two things up at
the top of the list. Maybe you think that I think you’re a bad wife or
mom if you don’t do this stuff. If so, that is wrong. I would much
rather have a messy house, make my own lunches from white, store-bought
bread, have no snacks, etc. etc., but have a nice, happy wife who likes
me, than the other way around.
So, to sum it all up, showing me you love me has more
to do with WHO you are than what you do! It’s my best friend I fell in
love with and want to hang out with, not my maid!”
I have not been a very nice person earlier this week...This reminded me that I needed to be kindness at the top of my list. I needed to make sure that I was kind to the great and wonderful people in my house.
I am sorry!!
Love you all Joyce
Monday, July 9, 2012
Sunday, July 8, 2012
time is going by fast...
Today at church we had a lesson on when we die and we are met by Heavenly Father will he tell us that we have done a good job. I often think of the scriptures Mark 12:30, 31
30 And thou shalt alove the Lord thy God with all thy bheart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy cstrength: this is the first commandment.
31 And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.
I think when we meet our Heavenly Father these will be his first two questions. First being Did you love me with everything (soul, mind, and strength)? If you are able to say yes then in my opinion there is no need for the second question Did you love the neighbor as thy self?
Through out my life we have had great neighbors. Growing up we moved into an area that was made up of all old people. My parents got to know these people. They watched out for us girls when my parents were working. Tina was so good, when she would get home in the evenings from school she would go visit each one to see if they were doing good. We Dorothy on one side and on the other side we had the reeves. Then two houses down we had Ruby. I am sure they were not as old as I remember. But I am grateful for parent s who taught me to love our neighbors. What will my answer be to this question on my meeting with God? I am working toward saying yes!! How about you...
Friday, July 6, 2012
Yesterday was Cindy (Sunshine) Scott's birthday she is my sister and she was born July 5, 1966. She had Cystic Fibrosis and the life expectancy was 1 year at that time. In 2012 the life expectancy is 37 years, maybe in my life time we will see the miracle of a cure. After posting pictures on facebook Tina offered to introduce anyone to Cindy in heaven that did not know her.
So my first thought: Lets make a plan to meet in heaven.
John 14
1 Let not your heart be atroubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
2 In my Father’s ahouse are many bmansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will acome again, and receive you unto myself; that bwhere cI am, there ye may be also.
My mansion will be the one with all the pink roses and flowers
around it. Do you have your mansion picked out?
Friends, Lets Plan to meet in the middle of the beautiful
mansions? Some I will have the chance to see again here and others I will have to plan to meet
in heaven, Just know when I am leaving this earth I will be there waiting for you!!
God be with you till we meet again.
Friends, Lets Plan to meet in the middle of the beautiful
mansions? Some I will have the chance to see again here and others I will have to plan to meet
in heaven, Just know when I am leaving this earth I will be there waiting for you!!
God be with you till we meet again.
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