Sunday, July 21, 2013

12-13 year old Sunday School

   I am feeling a deep sadness today.  A new teacher took over my  awesome Sunday School class. I have 3 girls and 6 boys in my class. This class is amazing. This 12-13 year old class taught me more than I ever taught them. We have amazing parents who teach and love their children. Some of the things I have been taught: gratitude from one, we were talking about Christ how he might have been alone.  This young man reminded us he could have been alone if not for his dad.This young lady, taught me grace and beauty. She is beautiful outside and inside. This young man has taught me determination. He has simply refused to give up. this young man has taught me "normal" is an amazing thing. Two of the boys, have taught me how fun it is to be 12-13. Another young lady has taught me that sunshine is always behind the dark clouds. It took her a few weeks to let the sunshine from her soul. I would say she is one of my favorites but I know I would say that about each. I have learned how important it is to trust the kids on leadership. They have really enjoyed having a class president and the responsibilities that is with that. This class members can say prayers that make mine look like I am new member. The dedication they feel in serving each other is example to me. I will miss this class. I love each of them and pray for each of them. I am sad today  

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