Saturday, November 6, 2010

Wednesday I went home from work I had serious pain in my right side. I never really say anything about anything hurting. My legs have hurt since I was 18 because of all the blood clots and the circulation in my legs are horrible. By the time I get home in the evening my left leg is usually about 5/6 inches bigger then my right and very swollen. But my side hurt and it hurt real bad and it was hurting in between my shoulder blades.  So I left the work and since my doctor could not work me in I went to the walk in clinic in Anson. Which i really like. Well we did a chest xray and cat scan for the pain. We found pneumonia in the lungs and small kidney stone. So he put me on medication and told me to follow up with Dr. office. On Friday I went to see Kelly at the doctor office. We found pleurisy.

Pleurisy is caused by inflammation of the linings around the lungs (the pleura), a condition also known as pleuritis. There are two layers of pleura: one covering the lung (termed the visceral pleura) and the other covering the inner wall of the chest (the parietal pleura). These two layers are lubricated by pleural fluid.
Pleurisy can be caused by any of the following conditions:
  • Infections: bacterial (including those that cause tuberculosis), fungi, parasites, or viruses
  • Inhaled chemicals or toxic substances: exposure to some cleaning agents like ammonia
  • Collagen vascular diseases: lupus, rheumatoid arthritis
  • Cancers: for example, the spread of lung cancer or breast cancer to the pleura.
  • I am off work for at least two weeks. So now what? I have more test to come

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