Friday, October 29, 2010

The Road

  I had this amazing day at work. I work with some of my favorites. But our day started off busy and about the last hour of the 12 hour day it finally came to end. Today I was working with two nurses that has heard my story and we were talking about addiction and if anyone could become addicted. Well in my talking after wards a nurse who over heard us came to me and ask if I would be willing to talk to her sister. She needs someone who could understand addiction and this nurse said she heard motivation and hope in my voice. I reflect on my life and my addiction was bad and many bad things happened during that time and never in a million years did I think I would be a spokes person for overcoming. During that time I remember the day that I gave up on myself and thought that I could do whatever and that i would never make it through this. The day that I quit because I had cross the line in what and was not acceptable for me. The day that I quit.

Looking back over my life now I see if I had not had those experiences I would not be where I am. I would not be strong and I would have a testimony of the atonement and tender mercies of my Heavenly Father. I would not know that he loves me and knows me by name. He knows that I am here and sometimes it is hard
 and sometimes there is great joy in my life. Its the peace that I have worked for and the joy that this journey has made me that I appreciate the most. So I know that God is my rock and with him everything is possible.This road reminds me of my life sometimes it leads me to bunch of rocks but always around the bend there is something so much worth seeing and waiting for.

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