Sunday, September 26, 2010

Do You Know?

Do you know that when  I  say I am struggling it does not mean with the past?
Do you know that when I  come and ask your advise its because I trust you or the fact that Heavenly Father trust you?
Do you know that I would not be asking if I did not feel that I needed your help?
Do you know that I know if it were not for God and the Atonement that I would not be here?
Do you know that I know God lives and he hears and answers my prayers?
Do you know that I know my triggers and what makes me feel stress and when to find the help I need?
Do you know that I know not to dance with the devil?
Do you know that I have firm knowledge if I ever went back to my old life I would die quickly and painfully?
Do you know that I expect alot of myself?
Do you know that I like myself and my lfe?
Do you know that my testimony of the Savior is one of my most important things in my life?
Do you know that I have worked extremely hard for my life, family, health, jobs, school, and my membership in the church?
Do you know that I love my family and I would lay my life down for them?
Do you know that I know that feed my sheep means that is anyone who crosses my path?
Do you know that last night we were told if you judge someone then you really don't love them?
Do you know me?

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