Friday, September 17, 2010


In step 2 the principle is Hope. I think the word hope is the most amazing word in all the words. In the dictionary the following are definations fo the word:
1.the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best: to give up hope.
2.a particular instance of this feeling: the hope of winning.

verb (used with object) look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence. believe, desire, or trust: I hope that my work will be satisfactory.
So today I sitting thinking about my life and sometimes it seems like why does everything have to be so hard. I try to do the right things and treat people in my life. I am going to school so that I am able to have a better life and help change my little corner of the world. Today I learned that senior practium is 330 hours which boils down to 20 hours a week at the site. Which means 40 hours at school and 20 hours on the site and
homework, church, home, family, and  whatever else..................................How am I going to do it all. So I am sitting here being very discouraged and then I think about step 2 which is Come to believe that the power of God can restore you to complete spiritual health. 
i know that this step works and that God is in charge. This is where the principle of hope comes into play. I know that miracles happen and I trust that he will not only improve my spiritual health but I also know that includes my temporal health. 
Check in: today was a VERY tempting day I wanted Fast Food . I wanted the bread and sloppy melted cheese and the hamburger and the salt and the french fries. Well, everyone knows that for a small fry you have to use 2 packages of salt!!! It did not matter to which one but I wanted the food. But I overcame and went straight home and settled for a lean pizza pocket. The temptation was strong and I even heard myself say "NO ONE WILL KNOW"  . Note to self: tell the final story of Eric. 

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