Tuesday, October 25, 2011

This semester school schedule

Tue/Thurs  8-9 am          Art Appreciate

Tues 11-2:20                  Micro Social Work

Tue/Thurs   6-7:50          Research social work

Wednesday 6-8:50          Policy social work

Service Learning Lab       Wednesday 5-6

4 months and half way through semester 1

  Tonight I feel as if my whole life has changed. So many ways for the good and a few that I am worried about. Just when I feel comfortable with everything it feels as if that maybe comfort is not what i want anymore. I have done school for so long that it feels as if its a part of me and more than that it feels as if its a part of how I identify myself. So Can I identify myself as a Social worker. I am scared of the future. It feels as if there is no one to tell this too!!

 4 months into the marriage. Kevin and I are very different and sometimes its a good thing and sometimes its very frustrating.  I feel as if we both are facing this life together and we both see the future very very different. We have looked for so long at the same things and we have always seen everything different. So in reality nothing has changed that much. Do I want to always see white and he always sees black? I wish sometimes we would see the same colors. But one of the reasons I love him is because he sees the colors I do not or refuse to see. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Its that time of year

 today I am signing up for my last semester of classes before graduation. Its a joyful/sad thing, I love school. Some days it feels as if its the one thing I am good at. I am worried that by wanting to go on and get my Master's that I am pushing my luck. Some days I wished there was more than prayer for answers, I wish God would stop what he is doing and drop signs in front of me and just tell me what I am suppose to do. I am worried that I am not doing the right senior practicum. I do not want to end up being a baby sitter with nothing to do. Have I told you lately that I miss Amani, and all the things that I got to do. I realize that i am very spoiled because of that place. I got to do things that most interns never get to do, I do not want to be a baby sitter.  I should talk to Michelle about it. I think I am having seizures again. I have woke up a few times feeling more tired than when Iwent to bed even after using my breathing machine. I have also work up with my cheeks and tongue bitten up. I do not want to worry any one but if I do it again I going to have to go to the doctor.
We will see:)
next time more about Tina's with some pictures:)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

do I live what I believe??

Every since I married Kevin, it seems as if I want to live the gospel even more. It seems as if because he is not a member I need to show what I believe more. I believe this feeling goes back more to the recovery group and how we identify ourselves.  For example: Step 1 do I admit when I am wrong so being honest. Let go of my pride. Will me be right show Kevin the eternities? Step 2 Knowing God is in charge of my life, he has and has shown me the power to be healed.Alma 5:13: “They humbled themselves and put their
trust in the true and living God.” Do I do this? Am I showing Kevin not only do I speak it but I truly believe it?
Step 3 Trust in God          Do I have the courage to trust in my Father in Heaven, but do what he has asked me to do. I have decided to do that and to keep his commandments. I know there are things I can not change, but i do trust that they are or will be taken care of in heaven.
 (Alma 42:8). You will  learn that even in affliction and difficulty “all things work together for good to them that love God”  (Romans 8:28)  so do profess these things or do I live them?? Which is it????

Saturday, October 1, 2011

I love this!!

One of my friends posted this on their facebook page and I simply love it. I think so often it reminds me of my life. I have this very sane face but my life is so full of activities and all are good, but they have many different colors to it. I find that if I let it go the way that God intends for then my life is great. I love this photo.