Tuesday, July 24, 2012


  once again my sister wrote a beautiful post. I believe in miracles. In the webster dictionary

  1. A surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is considered to be divine.
  2. A highly improbable or extraordinary event, development, or accomplishment

 I have been witness to many miracles in my life. Have you witness miracles?  I believe that if we take the time each one of us is able to say this. I know that I sometimes I have to remind myself that miracles did not only take place during Jesus's time but it takes place daily in each of our lives if we are allowing ourselves to see and understand that. One of my biggest faults is in my thinking that everyone else deserves miracles, grace, and mercy except me. This has always been a battle for me personally. I know in the past when I have had good things i find a way to not make it good. I know with a better understanding of the Atonement and how it is applied to my life I have come to understand that I am worthy of these things also.
Miracles in my life:  Cindy and Tina (sisters), each of my sons ( three of the greatest things that has ever happened to me)
another miracle in my life is that I am still here.. I have now been clean since 1998 and not a day goes by that I do not thank my Heavenly Father for that. I do not deserve to be here, I lived a dangerous life and I know this. I lived a life that I should be dead or be killed.  I tried to forget Heavenly Father and my family. But I believe Heavenly Father absolutely refused to give on me. Even after I got clean I led a life where I no longer did drugs but I was not clean. It took my purse getting stolen in a bank (miracle) for me to decide that I am better person by being active in church. I need that daily reminder of Heavenly Father and what he is does for me each day. I love that he thought I deserved to be given 7x70 chances of forgiveness. I know he knows me so personally and by name that he realizes that I need daily miracles in my life.

I have attached the story that my sister had on her blog. I sat here on a Tuesday morning and read this and cried. I cried for the families who lost someone. All because they went to see the movie. I cried for this family and the mother. I cried for the doctors who witness a miracle. I cried for all the untold stories that will never be told. I cried because I read a miracle and was able to see it.  

Please take a few minutes to read this post by Brad Strait:  A Miracle Inside the Aurora Shooting

Even though I have already said my morning prayer I think I will go thank my Heavenly Father for the miracles in my life and others. I feel very grateful this morning how about you?

Love Joyce

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